New to Yoga at
California Yoga Center?
We are a haven of health, healing, and mindfulness, taught by highly trained instructors with experience working with students at all levels and abilities.
Using our instructions in asanas (postures) to center the mind inward, we teach ways to minimize the distractions of our external world, including technology. The result is a flexible and strong physical body, a calm state of mind, and a strong inner self to navigate life’s ups and downs.
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“If the foundation is firm the building can withstand calamities. The practice of yoga is the foundation so that the self is not shaken under any circumstances.”
What to expect in a CYC yoga class:
A yoga class is either 60, 75, or 90 minutes in length and will include many if not all of the following types of poses:
Standing poses for strength, flexibility, and stamina
Seated poses for hip flexibility and spinal strength
Forward bends for calming the body and mind
Back extensions to improve mood and increase energy and lung capacity
Inverted poses for stress reduction and improved body functions
Breath awareness and deep relaxation for mental focus and inner calm
The poses (asanas) have Sanskrit names. The teacher may use Sanskrit names interchangeably with English translations. Props such as blankets, mats, bolsters, straps, and blocks are often used to make the asana more accessible both physically and mentally.
Builds a supportive community and improves self-care habits
Relieves minor body aches and pains
Deepens relaxation, encourages better sleep
Helps manage stress, an antidote to “burnout”
Increase vitality and energy
Improve flexibility for improved power and mobility
Improve muscle tone and flexibility by developing underused muscles
Improve range of motion in joints and tendons
Improve mental health and reduce anxiety
Better posture, body awareness and balance
Ease symptoms of many common ailments such as arthritis, and mild sports injuries
Improves somatic connection in the body connecting emotional and physical health
Who is B.K.S Iyengar?
Considered one of the foremost yoga gurus in the world, B.K.S. Iyengar developed his approach to yoga based on the yoga tradition handed down by his teacher, Shri T. Krishnamacharya, a classically trained, Hindu scholar and yoga master. Known for a focus on alignment, use of props and adaptations for therapeutic applications, Iyengar’s yoga has influenced modern styles of Hatha yoga taught in the West.
Mr. Iyengar has authored many books on yoga practice and philosophy, including his classic, “Light on Yoga’.’ He passed in 2014 at the age of 95. His son, Prashant, and his granddaughter Abhijata continue his work at the Ramanani Iyengar Memorial Institute in Pune India, where several of our teachers have gone there to practice and learn.
“I love and appreciate the quality, the energy, the caring of the teachers at California Yoga. I would find it a very sad day to be without the studio and the friendship of the students and teachers. I can’t thank the teachers enough.”
Class Descriptions
Fundamental of Yoga: For beginning students new to yoga and/or the Iyengar lineage.
Learn the shapes of the poses including standing poses, seated poses, twists, back extensions, abdominal poses and the preparatory poses for inversions.
Level 1-2: For students who have completed a fundamentals series or who have a minimum of 6 months of yoga experience.
This class is geared towards continuing beginners and those who wish to further develop the foundation of their practice.
Level 2-3: For continuing and intermediate students with a minimum of 1 – 2 years of yoga experience.
Come to this class when you are familiar with Sarvangasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand, Bridge pose) and wish to learn more challenging poses and inversions.
Level 3-4: For students with proficiency in the Level 2-3 poses and/or those with a home practice who are familiar with inversions, back extensions and arm balances.
Yoga for Strength and Balance: For students who wish to maintain and improve their balance and strength. This class is appropriate for all levels and ages.
Yoga for Scoliosis: For students with scoliosis or teachers who have students with scoliosis, who wish to gain more strength, balance and awareness of the spine.
Back Care: For students with back conditions or minor back pain who wish to improve strength, mobility and balance. This class is appropriate for all levels and ages.
Pranayama: For students with a minimum of 1-2 years of yoga experience interested in learning the practice of conscious awareness of inhalation, retention and exhalation.
Restorative / Yoga Nidra: For students interested in restoring energy, minimizing fatigue, and increasing their general sense of well-being. A minimum of 6 months Iyengar yoga experience is recommended.
Yoga Therapy: A four week, on-going series designed for individual students recovering from specific injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions which preclude them from general yoga classes. Pre-registration required. No drop-ins please.
“You should do the asanas with vigor and at the same time be relaxed and composed.”